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Scheduled Tournaments

Tin Whistle 7.23
LGLN 2.23
Red White & Blue 4.23
4 Man Scramble
LGLN 5.23
Red White & Blue 6.23
Six Blind Holes 5.23
Tin Whistle 2.24
Match Play 3.24
2 Man Scramble
Red White & Blue 4.24
Four Man Scramble 4.24
LGLN/Putt 4.24
LGLN 7.24

Tournament Results

5 of Clubs 4.22


Mike Whipple whipped the field winning our 5 of Clubs tournament and tacked on two skins.  Doc hung in there for second place one stroke back with Jack and Ralph tied for third.  Vester had to settle for two skins plus an on-in-one.

LGLN 3.22


Vester carded a very nice 41 to take low gross with Bob H and Ralph taking second and third. Bill Whitbread had an excellent outing taking Low Net and adding one of two skins.  Paul and Mike P were tied for second with Mike adding the other skin.

Match Play 3.22


We had a fine turnout of 24 members in Match Play this morning. There were no ties. Results in the link.

2 Man Scramble 3.22


The follow-up team round at Altadena saw some strong play from the heavy hitters, with three teams coming in at one under. Kim and Ralph won the tiebreaker, with Don, Jim N,  Mike P, and Mike W tied for second.

Alhambra 3.22
Alhambra GC


Our 2-Man Shamble at Alhambra was a first for using a team event for an away game and I think most enjoyed the change in format. Jack and Jim certainly enjoyed their round running away from the field with their net 57. The two Bills took second Dave, Bob H Jeff and Rob tied for third. You can see all the results on the website for this event.

Crier 3.22


There was a nice turnout of 25 players for our Criers tournament this morning. Mike Whipple took first place but Herman was the big winner tied for second and adding the sole skin. Jack was also tied for second and Doc hung in there for fourth. Dave Nold had the only on-in-one carded.

Aces Wild 3.22


Charles combined winning low net with some good putting to take first in our Aces Wild game. Ralph, Make P, and Vester were tied for second. Herman took the skins pool. Honorable mention goes to Harry Hirakawa who had the best aces points combining two chip-ins with two one-putts.  Van had the only OIO (On-In-One)

LGLN 2.22


It was 34° this morning which may be why there was a relatively small turnout for our LGLN tournament. Vester was not deterred by the cold taking LG honors with Dave Nold and Tobin tied for second. Both Dave and Tobin had skins and on-in-ones.  Bill and Doc took a skin each.

Mike Whipple took LN honors and tacked on two skins to top the winnings board. Tom and Jack finished 2nd and 3rd. Van snuck onto the leaderboard with an on-in-one.

4 Man Best Ball 2.22


Another fine SoCal winter morning saw a modest turnout of 22 members playing 4-Man Best Ball. There was a crowded leaderboard with Paul, Tom, Dave, and Bob beating out Ray, Henry, Richard, and Doc in a tie-breaker.  They were joined by two other groups tied for second including Ralph, Kim, John, Tobin, Jack, Jim Stowell, and Rob. (Doc was a Blind for that last group to fill out the foursome).  Paul, Tobin, and Doc each had a Skin,  and Dave got the only on-in-one.

Eaton Canyon 2.22
Eaton Canyon


On Tuesday we played a 9 hole away game at Eaton Canyon after a fun putting workshop run by Peter. Vester and Jack topped the leaderboard taking LG and LN. The two Jims were tied for second in LG.  Rob combined a second in LN with a skin. Ray took third and tacked on a Skin as well. Bill Morgan took the third skin and Tom finally got credit for an on-in-one.

Red, White & Blue 2.22


There was a very nice turnout on this warm and clear morning for Red White and Blue. In a tight race, Bob Harrison took first place with Paul, Bill Morgan, and Mike Pavese in a three-way tie one stroke back.  Paul added one of three skins and an on-in-one to his take. Andy and Tom each had a skin.

Tin Whistle 2.22


We had 24 players braving this cold morning and only a few players managed to warm up to the course. Dave Nold topped the leaderboard winning our Tin Whistle competition and took one of the two skins. Vester was one behind taking second with Mike Pavese taking third and he had the only on-in-one. Ray Spano settled for fourth.  Paul took the second skin.

LGLN 1.22


Bob  Harrison took Low Gross honors in our LGLN tournament with Vester and  Ralph close behind. Andy had Low Net for the day with Doc and Tobin  trailing.  Don had the only on-in-one.

Santa Anita 1.22


Our  away game at Santa Anita was well attended.  Bill Morgan topped the  winnings board with Low Net honors plus two skins, Jack and John Kirk  were one stroke back sharing second with Jack taking three skins and  John taking one as well.  Dave Nold took Low Gross honors with Ralph  hanging in there for second with Vester at third place.  Rob had the  only On-In-Ones for the day and the birdie on 8 earned one of two skins.

2 Man Shamble 1.22


Some players seem to be struggling a bit in our 2-Man Scramble, but the top finishers had nice rounds.  A pair of our newer members Dave Nold and Bob Harrison edged out Doc and Neeraj in a tiebreaker.  Vester and Paul were just one stroke back to take third place.

Five of clubs 1.22


Tom Storey snuck past Mike Whipple in a tiebreaker to take first place in our 5 of Clubs tournament. Mike added a skin to his take to sweeten the deal. Neeraj took third with Vester hanging in there for fourth. Don and John had the other two skins.

Red White & Blue 1.22


We enjoyed a typically beautiful January morning for our first game of the new year, Red White & Blue.  Mike Whipple had a nice round, taking first place and one of four skins.  Ray came in second also with a skin.  John was third with Jim Nelson settling for fourth but added a skin to his take.  The other Mike in the group, also a newer player, had a skin and one of three one-in-ones.

LGLN 12.21 Putting


Match Play 12.21


Alhambra 12.21
Alhambra GC


TThere was a full turnout of 12 for the wonderful Alhambra Golf Course this fine winter morning.  It was a good day for the Roberts in the group, with  Bob Harrison taking low-gross honors adding three on-in-ones and a skin, and Rob taking low-net with a skin. Ralph was in the hunt at second in low-gross and two on-in-ones and three skins, and Jim Nelson was third. Ray and Tobin tied for second in low-net both with two on-in-ones.

2 Man Scramble 12.21


Doc and Neeraj took first place in our 2-Man Scramble.  Ralph and Kim were a close second with John and Tobin coming in third. There are no other awards for team events.

Red White & Blue 12.21


Tin Whistle 12.21


Harry Missakian led the field by three points for Tin Whistle this morning. Andy took second with Ralph and Charles tied for third.  There were only two on-in-ones. Jim Stowell won two skins with Ray picking up the another.

LGLN 11.21


Due to scheduling error we  were not able to play on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  

4 Man Scramble 11.21


There was a smallish turnout today playing a 4-Man Scramble (well sometimes 3 Man).  I think we all like team events where it seems everyone gets to contribute to the effort. Doc, Harry, and Neeraj had the hot round today coming in two strokes ahead of the field.  Tobin and Mike King paired with two of our newest members Mike Pavese, and Jon Halvorsen to claim second place.  There was a tie for third place.

DeBell 11.21


On Tuesday, 6 members played at DeBell (DeHell). With so few players we just played for fun, or whatever fun that could be had looking for balls at the side of the fairways, or watching a putt role almost up to a hole, only to fall back to the front of the green.  The course was in very good condition and I think we are all willing to give it another try because it is an interesting and different course.

Turkey Shoot 11.21


What a beautiful morning especially with the course starting to look so much better!  The top winners, John, Rob, Paul, and Tobin combined being in the top 5 (or so) of Low Net plus a skin for each.  Bob Harrison took low gross with Don, Ralph, Harry Missakian, and Vester hanging in there for top 5 honors. There were 4 on-in-ones on hole 6.

LowPutts/ Low Net 11.21


Charles took low net honors with Bill Morgan taking Low Putts in a tiebreaker over Bill Whitbred and Paul, but Paul added to his take with a second in Low Net, putting him at the top of the winnings board. Bill  Whitbred, Neeraj, Richard and Ludi earned one skin each. Bob H, Don and Tom each had an On-In-One.

LGLN 10.21


Vester was hot on this warm indian summer morning taking low gross with his 40 and tacked on one of five skins. Mike A and Ralph were two strokes back tied for second.

Bill continued his strong play taking low net honors at 4 under net par. Jack was two strokes back taking second and Tom close behind with third place.

Jim Nelson, Harry Hirakawa, Doc, and Don had one skin each.

Tri Golf a Thon 10.21


The Tri-Golf-A-Thon was a head-scratcher for some but we all got through the day with a fun series of team play (there are no one-in-ones or skins).  With the tees moved up on all the holes the scores were not as good as might be expected especially in team play but Kim and Vester topped the field with Tom and one of our newer members Bob Harrison a close second.  Ralph and Van took third place.

Montebello 10.21


We played a nice round at the interesting Montebello GC. I hope we can play it again before it gets changed next year to a 9 hole course with a Top Golf facility.  The course was not in the best condition with many well hit balls ending up on dirt, then those are the conditions we are so familiar with, but it's a good round of golf.  Bill Morgan found himself again at the top of the winnings taking low net three skins and two on-in-ones (OIO). Ralph took low gross and two OIOs. Jim Nelson was second and two OIOs.

Red White & Blue 10.21


There were some low scores today with the  tees moved up helping  Bill Morgan and John both come in at 5 under net  par but Bill edged out John for first place in a tie breaker.  Bill also  had the only skin for the day and two on-in-ones.  Andy was one stroke  back at 4 under with Harry Hirakawa taking fourth.  There were a total  of  7 on-in-ones today, 5 of them on hole 6.

5 of Clubs 10.21


When we normally play 5 of clubs, it's interesting to see that most play about as well as usual, but  todays forward  tee's complicate that analysis.  It was fun trying to figure out how to make that shot when you don't have just the right club for it.

Don made the best adjustment coming in 2 under net par with one of four skins.  Harry Missakian and Herman were tied for second one stroke back, and Harry added two on-in-ones to his take. (There were several OIOs today.)  Bill Morgan came in third one stroke back.

Doc took two skins and Jeffrey had a skin and OIO.

LGLN 9.21


Ralph is always up there near the top of the leaderboard, and today scored low gross honors  edging out Vester by one stroke with Mike Anderson a  close third.

Bill Morgan took low net in a tie-breaker over both Richard and our newest member, Jeffery Gordon.  Jeffery also had a skin along with Paul and another newer member, Bob Boucher who also carded the only on-in-one.

Ryder Cup 21 Round 2


A  good time was had by all. And, thanks to Dave for this fine suggestion,  the two-week Ryder Cup brought out more players than we've seen in  recent history, and the event is sure to have a permanent place in our  calendar. Excellent work by Mike and John as team captains and everyone  who worked to make this happen. The results are in, and the Army  triumphed! Kirks space cadets made a run at the end but just couldn't  overcome an early Army lead.

Alhambra 9.21
Alhambra GC


In the kind of hot morning we expect this time of year, Jim Stowell came out hot as well taking low gross honors adding two on-in-ones and a skin. Jim also had low net for the day and finished the back nine with a 36.  Vester and Ralph were one stroke behind. Ralph had three on-in-ones, while Vester had two and a skin.

Jack had an excelent round with low net honors. Ray was a close second and added two skins.  Van had to settle for third but tacked on two skins and two on-in-ones to finished near the top of the winnings.

Ryder Cup 21 First Round


What an interesting morning!  I came early to hit the driving range but found it full of golfers tuning their game for the big event. Everyone showed up and we had a good time. It was fun to play with a group matched in  skills, and fun to play with people we don't often see or play with. The team mentality was there in full. We appreciated the good play of our partner when it was needed and appreciated the good play of the other team too.

Andersons Army swarmed over Kirks Crew at 18 to 6.  There were some very close matches and lots of room for a shifting tide next week. Stay tuned!

Tin Whistle 9.21


There  was a great turnout today with several new members filling out our  ranks. We welcome Bob Boucher our newest member.  It was a typically hot  mid September round today, and in a tight finish, Vester edged out Andy  in a tie breaker. Ray and Jim Nelson were tied for third place. Vester  added one of the two skins to his take with Paul picking up the other  skin.  There were only two on-in-ones both on hole 6, Jim and Ray shared  in that honor.

Aces Wild 9.21


We played Aces Wild on an unusually cool summer morning. We also welcomed some new players Mike King, and Vance Peterson. Ray, Charles and Paul had strong rounds at 2 under net par with Ralph close behind, but with 6 Aces points, Ralph took the lead in Aces Wild.  There was a three way tie for second for those aformentioned players, Ray, Charles and Paul. There were three on-in-ones including Johns on hole 8 coupled with a one-putt birdie giving him a skin for that double-eagle. Mike Anderson, Bill and Ray also won skins.

LGLN 8.21


Kim had a great round this morning and his 38 took low gross honors with a skin to top off his winnings. Vester was close behind with a very decent score of 40 and had 3 on in ones!  How do you get three on in ones with only 2 par 3s?   He drove the 7th green!  So  6,7, and 8. Nice going Vester.

Jack took low net honors with Charles hanging in there for second.

Ludi and Paul each had a skin.

2 Man Scramble 8.21


It  was a strange summer morning at Altadena with cool untypical August  weather.  We welcomed one of our newest members, Mike Whipple, another  long hitting lefty. Rob and Jim made a good enough team to edge out  three other groups in the 2 Man Scramble. Tied for second were Ludi,  Bob, Ralph, Van, Tom and Vester.  Tight finish with some pretty good  scores.

Santa Anita 8.21
Santa Anita


Kim had a good round edging out Ralph in a tie breaker for low gross and both of them tacked on a skin with Kim rounding out his take with an on-in-one. Jim Nelson snuck in there for third place.

Tom took low net honors over Mike. Tom struggled through the front 9 but got it together with some fine holes. Rob and Tobin shared third place with Rob getting an on-in-one as well.

Red White & Blue 8.21


Richard had a good round finishing with a birdie on 9 winning RWB today by 3 strokes over Ralph. Ludi and Ray were tied for third and Ludi tacked on a skin with Harry Hirakawa picking up a skin for himself.

Irons & Hybrids Only 8.21


Bill Morgan edged out Paul in a tie breaker for first place in Irons Only. There was a tie for third place between Ralph and Tom.  Paul can take some satisfaction for having the only on-in-one and on that difficult to hold 6th green.  Bill, Ralph and Richard won skins.

Club Championship Second Round 7.21


Ralph  and Mike made out with first prizes in LG and LN respectively. Don took  second in LG while Jim Nelson and Bill Whitbred tied for third.   Richard took second in LN adding another skin to his take. Ludi took  sole third with Charles and Ray in the hunt.

Club Championship First Round 7.21


The first round of our Club Championship series has Ralph in a strong position with his opening 42.  The usual bunch is trailing close behind but Vester has to make up a few strokes to get back into the mix.

Ludi and Richard are leading for low-net honors with Mike and Tobin vying for those honors as well.

There were on-in-ones from John and Ralph both on the 6th hole, with Richard and John splitting the skin pool.

Brookside 7.21
Brookside #2


Brookside was looking pretty good this morning showing the benifits of reduced Rose Bowl activity.  The reworked hole 12 was a relief to all and yielded some good scores. Mike had a very fine round with a 89 taking low-gross honors and two skins. Ray topped the winnings taking low-net and 4 skins!  Bill was in the running taking second in low net, adding three skins and an on-in-one.  Ralph took second in low gross and tacked on an on-in-one.  Richard had to settle for three skins and two on-in-ones.  Rob and Tom would have finished out of the money  but for an on-in-one each.

4-Man Scramble 7.21


There was a smallish turnout today due to the lack of carts I'm told? Too bad because it was a nice morning for golf and the scramble is a pleasant low stress game. With only three groups today, everyone is a winner.  Tobin, Kim and our two Bills, took first place. Ralph, Jim S., Van and John were one stroke behind for 2nd place followed by Tom, Paul, Ludi and Ray.

Tom added to his winnings by sinking his putt in our putting contest.  Ray came within a foot but close was not good enough.

Criers 7.21


Harry Hirakawa decided to buy into todays tournament and ended up in first place!  Ralph and Jack were tied for second  one stroke back and Ralph added one of two skins to his take.  Mike took fourth place.  Ludi had the other skin.  Bill Whitbred and Vester had the only on-in-ones.

Tin Whistle 7.21


For the start of real summer, that is July, we had a bit of June gloom which broke to a very nice morning.  Andy had the best morning winning Tin Whistle  and a skin to top the winnings.  Vester was close behind taking second, with a skin and an on-in-one. Ralph was third also with a skin. Tobin sweetened his 4th place with a skin. Tom had the only other on-in-one and added a skin as well.

LGLN 6.21


Vester continued his strong play taking low gross honors one stroke ahead of Kim while Mike and Ralph shared third place. Ray injured knee seems to be working just fine, taking low net honors with Tom second and a four way tie for third.

Jack, Bill, Rob and Tom each had a skin.

Tobin had the only one-in-one.

2 Man Shamble


Our newest member Bill Whitbred teamed with Ray to win our 2-Man Shamble in a tie-breaker over Richard and Harry.  Paul and Tom were tied with Jim Stowell and Vester for third place.

Alhambra 6.21
Alhambra GC


Kim had a great outing at Alhambra carding a 79 with 4 on-in-ones. (Maybe his newly rebuilt persimmon wood gave him some advantage?)  Bill was tied for winnings with a combination of low-net, two skins, and two on-in-ones. Jim Nelson was very close behind with second in low-gross adding two skins and two on-in-ones.  Ralph hung in there for second in low-net plus an on-in-one.

Six Blind Holes 6.21


At the end of the round, three numbered golf balls were drawn from a bag by three different players to select the holes that would be ignored.  The first two draws, by our two Bills, were holes 1 & 3. Then Vester selected hole 2. So yes, at random, the first three holes were eliminated.  It was a tight race with a Tobin taking first place in a tiebreaker over Vester.  Tobin added a skin making him the top winner. Harry Missakian took third with a three-way tie for fourth. There were three on-in-ones and 5 skins awarded

Red White & Blue 6.21


Andy Pollard took RW&B honors just edging out Jim Stowell, with Ludi and Richard sharing third.  There were no on-in-ones recorded even with the red flag on 6.  Ray, seemingly no longer hampered by his injury, took two of the four skins with Vester and John each earning one.  Jim Stowell did have a fine round overall taking low gross honors and putting like a champ.

LGLN 5.21


Vester had a very strong day taking the only skin, had low gross honors, and had an on-in-one on the par 4, hole 3 testing the expectation that these would be on Par-3's. (Maybe I'll switch to playing left-handed).   Jack had a great outing as well with pars on both par 3's taking low net honors.  Ralph was in the mix as usual with a second in low gross and Richard combined a second in low net with an on-in-one.

2 Man Best Ball 5.21


Van and Ralph edged out Doc and Bill in a tiebreaker.  Jack, Mike, Tom, and Paul all shared third place. Doc carded low net for the day at 1 under, and Ralph had low gross with Kim and Jim S. one behind.  We don't have skins or on-in-ones for team events.

Santa Anita 5.21
Santa Anita


We had a good turnout of 12 players at Santa Anita this morning. The course was in great condition although the greens were a bit slow. Tom was the big winner this morning taking low-net along with two skins and two on-in-ones. Ralph and Van rounded out the low-net honors.

Kim took low-gross and added a skin as well followed by Vester and Don.

Irons & Hybrids Only 5.21


Vester didn't seem to miss his driver today, making a great 39 gross in our irons-only game today, adding a skin and two on-in-ones.  Don was rewarded for returning to the fold, taking second, and tacked on one of the four skins.  There was a three-way tie for third place between Richard, Rob, and Harry M.  Richard added a skin to his take. Doc had a skin, and Tobin had an on-in-one on that difficult #8.

Tin Whistle 5.21


Vester edged out Andy for Tin Whistle honors but Andy topped the winnings by tacking on two skins to Vester's one. Doc got in there for third place and Ralph settled for fourth but added a one-in-one.  Bill and Kim also had on-in-ones.

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